Uno de los mensajes claros de Caroline Shenaz Hossein es que hay que tomar en serio la experiencia vivida por las banqueras negras y situarlas en el centro de los esfuerzos de desarrollo económico de la comunidad, así como en el corazón del movimiento de cooperativas y de crédito, y de la reforma bancaria.

Este mensaje formó parte de la prestigiosa conferencia Big Thinking on the…

The Black Banker Ladies

One of the clear messages from Caroline Shenaz Hossein is to take the lived experience of black banker ladies seriously and to put them at the centre of community economic development efforts, as well as at the heart of the cooperative and credit union movement, and banking reform.

This message was part of the prestigious Big Thinking on the Hill lecture that was delivered…

The Black Banker Ladies

El documental Nowtopia ("Ahoratopía" traducido literalmente), recientemente estrenado, explora una serie de temas relevantes para las economías comunitarias.

Escrita y dirigida por Tom Smith, miembro de la Red de Investigación de las Economías Comunitarias, Nowtopia se filmó en Brno, la segunda ciudad más grande de la…

Nowtopia: The Film

The recently released documentary Nowtopia explores a range of themes relevant to community economies.

Written and directed by Community Economies Research Network member Tom Smith, Nowtopia was filmed in Brno, the Czech Republic’s second largest city, and was inspired by the…

Nowtopia: The Film

La tesis doctoral del Dr. Wali Uz Zaman, miembro del CERN, que utiliza la perspectiva de los bienes comunes para ofrecer una nueva visión de la vida en los asentamientos informales del Sur global, ya está disponible en línea.

La tesis, titulada "A Commons Perspective on Urban Informal…

A Fresh Perspective on Informal Settlements

The PhD thesis of CERN member Dr Wali Uz Zaman, which uses the lens of commoning to offer fresh insights into life in informal settlements in the global South, is now available online.

The thesis entitled, 'A Commons Perspective on Urban Informal Settlements: A Study of Kalyanpur slum in Dhaka,…

A Fresh Perspective on Informal Settlements

La edición más reciente de Development, la revista insignia de la Sociedad para el Desarrollo Internacional, explora la pregunta de si la crisis actual por el COVID-19 provee una oportunidad necesaria para la introducción de estrategias de salud que estén explícitamente relacionadas con la construcción de un mundo más justo y sustentable.


Commons-based responses to COVID-19

The most recent edition of Development, the flagship journal of the Society for International Development, explores whether the COVID-19 crisis provides a much-needed opportunity for introducing health strategies that are explicitly linked to the building of a more just and sustainable world.


Commons-based responses to COVID-19

Como co-facilitadora del Youth Working Group (Grupo de Trabajo Joven) del Mecanismo de la Sociedad Civil y de las Personas Indígenas, Anisah Madden (miembro de CERN) ha estado trabajando con jóvenes de organizaciones de base, tales como La Vía Campesina, the World Fisher Forum, y el International Indian Treaty Council, para asistirlxs en su participación en los debates sobre políticas del Comité por la Seguridad…

Youth Working Group of the Civil Society and Indigenous People's Mechanism

As a co-facilitator of the Youth Working Group of the Civil Society and Indigenous People's Mechanism, CERN Member Anisah Madden has been working with young people from grassroots organisations such as La Vía Campesina, the World Fisher Forum and the International Indian Treaty Council to assist them…

Youth Working Group of the Civil Society and Indigenous People's Mechanism

Il libro di Benedikt Schmid di recente pubblicazione intitolato Making Transformative Geographies: Lessons from Stuttgart’s Community Economy esplora la costruzione di futuri urbani post-crescita più sostenibili ed equi attraverso l’analisi del lavoro di ventiquattro iniziative di comunità nella città tedesca di Stuttgart.

Schmid nota che una delle più importanti scoperte della sua ricerca risiede nell’impossibilità di…

Making Transformative Geographies

El nuevo libro de Benedikt Schmid, Making Transformative Geographies: Lessons from Stuttgart's Community Economy, explora la creación de futuros urbanos “post-crecimiento” mediante la investigación de veinticuatro iniciativas radicadas en la ciudad alemana de Stuttgart que buscan un mundo más justo y sustentable.

Schmid comenta que uno de los…

Making Transformative Geographies

Benedikt Schmid‘s recent book Making Transformative Geographies: Lessons from Stuttgart's Community Economy explores the making of post-growth urban futures by researching how twenty-four initiatives in the German city of Stuttgart are forging a more just and sustainable world.

Schmid highlights that one major finding of the research is that “there is no…

Making Transformative Geographies

CE News

La exposición de Katherine Gibson en el plenario de la Conferencia Liviana del CERN inaugural ahora está disponible online (en Youtube) apretando aquí.

En el plenario, titulado Thinking with Community Economies (“Pensando con Economías Comunitarias”, en español), Gibson…

Community Economies

The plenary address by Katherine Gibson for the inaugural CERN Liviana Conference is now available online (on YouTube) by clicking here.

In the plenary, entitled Thinking with Community Economies, Gibson explored some of the ways that community economies scholars are thinking with and…

Community Economies

The final presentation in the CERN online Liviana conference was on the theme of Indigenous-led economic codesign, and was presented by Community Economy Research Network members Alison Guzman and Ignacio Krell who reflected on the process of working with the Mapuche-Lafkenche people of Lof Llaguepulli in the Lake Budi…

Lake Budi Mutual Support Group

During the second week of the online Liviana conference The Interdependence was launched to an international audience.

The Interdependence is a multi-local alliance between community economies initiatives that identify as being part of the alliance by using the identifier .idt, an alternative to more familiar identifiers such as .ltd or Inc.

The Interdependence…

The Interdependence

The recent online International Contagion Design Symposium featured four Community Economies Research Network (CERN) members from Australia, Britain and Europe who presented papers in a session on Contagious Mutualities.

In his co-presentation with Declan Kuch,…

Contagion Design