The third 'Post-capitalist Possibilities' Summer School, led by Katherine Gibson and Stephen Healy, was recently held at Western Sydney University.

There were thirteen participants from around the world, including Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, Ecuador, India, Japan, The Netherlands, Peru…

Post-capitalist Possibilities Summer School

A research report on just and sustainable manufacturing in Australia, Beyond Business as Usual: A 21st Century Culture of Manufacturing in Australia, by Katherine Gibson,…

Beyond Business as Usual

Katharine McKinnon’s recently published book Birthing Work: The Collective Labour of Childbirth explores the highly contested terrain of child birth, and how what happens during a birth is the result of a collective process involving what people do and what things do.

These people and things include the mother and the birthing team, and the technologies and institutions, the furniture in the birth space, and the…

Birthing Work

The Free the Seeds campaign of OpenSourceSeeds was recently launched in Berlin featuring bread made of an open-source wheat variety called Convento C..

Convento C. is an organically bred population of wheat which means that there is a high level of genetic diversity within the plants making the wheat particularly robust against diseases and extreme weather conditions.…

Open-source bread

Lindsay Naylor’s recently published book Fair Trade Rebels: Coffee Production and Struggles for Autonomy in Chiapas focuses on the everyday experiences of people who self-identify as peasants (as campesinos and campesinas) and engage in multiple…

Fair Trade Rebels

The Community Economies Institute, with Punti Di Vista, is holding its second summer school, 'Methods for a Postcapitalist Politics', 6 to 12 June 2020, in Bolsena, Italy.

The week long program is an opportunity to engage with the methods and practice of community economies research.

The week includes an in-depth look at the founding concepts and tools of community economies approaches, and an exploration of examples of how…

CEI Summer School

A new teaching resource is now available on the Community Economies website.

Dr Istvan Rado from Thammasat University, Thailand, has written a guide that provides a step-by-step process for teaching undergraduates about diverse economies and action research.

It is based on two courses taught as part…

People and Communities Course

On Thursday October 31 2019, the CERN Latin American Regional held a meeting to discuss the work of Alison Guzman, Ignacio Krell and Fernando Quilaqueo from MAPLE CHILE

This was a zoom-supported meeting in which people participated from Chiapas, México; Villarrica, Chile; Berlin,Germany; and Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Two researchers from Uruguay were expected to…

Maple Chile

On October 22, The Bamboo Bridge, had its world premiere screening at the Antenna Documentary Film Festival in Sydney, and was awarded a Special Mention in the category of Best Australian Documentary.

The film was directed by Juan Francisco Salazar, Katherine Gibson was Executive Producer, and Isaac Lyne was Location Producer and conducted much of the background research.

Every dry season, a 1.5km bamboo bridge is…

The Bamboo Bridge

A recently released report, Delivering Urban Wellbeing through Transformative Community Enterprise, summarises how the Community Economy Return on Investment tool was used to test its potential for documenting the non-monetary impact of…

Delivering Urban Wellbeing

Within the framework of the Collaborative Research Programme Learning from and about Self-Management coordinated by Community Economies Institute member Ana Heras, and in collaboration with the Institute for Social Inclusion and Human Development (INCLUIR), a meeting took place on September 27 at the University of San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina in conversation with the former Public Protector of Montevideo (Defensora de Vecinas…

Ana Agostino in Buenos Aires

From January 5 to 10, 2020, a Boot Camp Winter Workshop entitled Decolonial Methods in Social, Solidarity and Non-Hierarchical Economies is being run by El Cambalache in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.

The workshop will explore questions such as how to move from theory to practice; how to start a non-capitalist economic project in a collective; and how…

Boot Camp Winter Workshop

The Handbook of Diverse Economies has entered the production process with the editors, J.K. Gibson-Graham and Kelly Dombroski, sending the almost 300 page manuscript to the publisher Edward Elgar.

The Handbook comprises 58 chapters, organised around seven parts, Enterprise, Labour, Transactions, Property, Finance, Subjectivity and Methodology, with each part being introduced by a Framing Essay.

The editors said, "We are…

The Handbook of Diverse Economies

A recently published Finnish translation of Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming our Communities joins the earlier Korean and Spanish translations, published in 2014 and 2017.

Elävä talous: Yhteisen…

Take Back the Economy Translations

The second PhD Short Course on Researching Post-capitalist Possibilities will be held at Western Sydney University, 15 to 17 and 20 to 22 January 2020 (with a one-day conference on 23 January).

The short course will be led by J.K. Gibson-Graham, Stephen Healy and members of the Community Economies Research Network (CERN), and it…

Columbia Image

On 1 August, Katherine Gibson and Joanne McNeill attended the Social Enterprise Evidence Forum organised by the Centre for Social Impact at Swinburne University in Melbourne.

Over 80 people attended the day-long forum, and participants included senior policymakers from national, state and local government, philanthropists, and social enterprise practitioners and researchers

Katherine and Joanne presented a paper based on the…

Manufacturing Carpet Loom

For three days in early July, a group of artists, academics, and diverse economies thinkers gathered in Wageningen to discuss their work and understandings of art and diverse economies.

The event concluded with a public exhibition of individual and collective outputs, entitled Other (Food) + (Art) Economies are possible! …

Arts-based methods for diverse economies

From 24 to 26 June, Stephen Healy and Maliha Safri attended the International Conference “Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals: What Role for Social and Solidarity Economy?” held at the International Labour Office in Geneva.

This was part of a series of…

Implementing the SDGs

On 5 June, 2019, David Burin (member of the Community Economies Research Network and of INCLUIR, Argentina) and Alejandra Pagotto (Universidad de Buenos Aires and INCLUIR, Argentina) coordinated a small workshop on “Problems and solutions in cooperatives of workers”.

Participants voiced challenges they face when…

Coop Workshop

For 10 days in June, thirteen community economies scholars were ensconced in the 16th century Convento S. Maria del Giglio, Bolsena (Italy), for the 2019 Community Economies Theory and Writing Retreat.

The scholars, from universities in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Spain, UK and US were all recipients of a 2019 Julie Graham Community Economies Research…

Bolsena Lunch