A recently published book edited by Antònia Casellas from the Community Economies Research Network (CERN) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Department of Geography), introduces Spanish readers to seminal texts by JK Gibson-Graham as well as new materials.

The three seminal texts included…

Antònia Casellas Presenting

The Community Economies Institute announces the 2022 Summer/Winter School


Expressions of Interest are being called for (closing date, 14 March 2022)

The Summer/Winter School is for PhD students, early career researchers and others. It engages with the foundational concepts and tools that community economies scholars have been using to envision and enact…

Book Covers

Members of the Community Economies Research Network (CERN) and the Community Economies Institute (CEI) have been saddened by the sudden death of our friend and colleague Silke Helfrich.

CERN members reflect that Silke was brilliant and warm, a magical commoner and friend.

Silke crossed many of our paths in different places and networks. For example, she played a crucial role in a two-day workshop in November 2019 for the…

Silke Helfrich

In the second keynote at the online CERN Liviana conference, Maliha Safri discussed her recent research on social and solidarity economies, describing these economies as “examples of postcapitalist practices in action.”

Safri started her keynote, entitled ‘Mapping the US Solidarity City: Spatializing Diversity, Difference and Social Justice,’ by outlining the participatory action research…

Mapping the US Solidarity Economy

How do communities and commons become a meaningful part of how oceans and fisheries are thought about, researched and managed?

This question was explored in Kevin St Martin’s opening keynote of the CERN Liviana online conference, entitled “Creating openings for community and commons in the Digital Ocean.”

St Martin drew on his…

St Martin Liviana Keynote

The second CERN Liviana Online Conference was held from 1 to 14 November 2021.

Liviana is a decentralised series of exchanges and symposia that runs for two weeks, providing an opportunity for CERN members to connect and share. The event is based on the sense of openness, free-floating train of thought, and cheerful spirit that the Spanish term liviana connotes…

CERN Liviana Conference

Throughout September and into October, cultural innovators are invited to participate in five Study-into-Action sessions.

The aim is to connect cultural workers who do not know one another but are building innovative cultural economies.

One of the project co-founders, Caroline Woolard, says “We need to socialize, study, and dream together before we can take collective action, and this first phase of connecting will be followed…


The recently released Yellowhead Institute Red Paper, Cash Back, features an insight from Ngāi Tahu academic and CERN member Matt Scobie (from the University of Canterbury in Aotearoa New Zealand).

Cash Back…

Lake Malbaie

A principios de mayo de 2021, la Dra. Demet Dinler y los estudiantes del grupo de lectura "Radical Theories in International Development" de la Universidad de Sussex organizaron el lanzamiento en línea del Handbook of Diverse Economies ("El Manual de las Economías Diversas").


The Handbook of Diverse Economies - Cover Detail

In early May 2021, Dr Demet Dinler and students from the Radical Theories in International Development reading group at the University of Sussex organised an online launch of the Handbook of Diverse Economies

The launch involved a question and answer session with one of the…

The Handbook of Diverse Economies

A principios de este año, el Centro para Comunidades Resilientes de la Universidad de Virginia Occidental publicó su primer informe anual, "Groundwork: 2020 Reflections".

El Centro fue inaugurado en diciembre de 2019 y, con el apoyo financiero de…

Center for Resilient Communities

Earlier this year, the Center for Resilient Communities at West Virginia University released its first Annual Report, Groundwork: 2020 Reflections.

The Center was inaugurated in December 2019 and, with funding support from…

Center for Resilient Communities

Enhorabuena al miembro del CERN Pieta Hyvärinen, que ha recibido el premio Vuoden Tiedekynä 2021 de la Fundación Kone por su artículo "Mushroom-foraging on Northern Tree Plantations: Diverse Forest Economies and the Problem of Plantationocentrism." (Forraje de Hongos en plantaciones de árboles del norte:…

False Morel Mushroom

Congratulations to CERN member Pieta Hyvärinen who was awarded the 2021 Vuoden Tiedekynä prize by Kone Foundation for their article "Mushroom-foraging on Northern Tree Plantations: Diverse Forest Economies and the Problem of Plantationocentrism."

Vuoden Tiedekynä is an annual award for academic articles…

False Morel Mushroom

CE News on a Break

"Cómo sería la economía cultural si amara a los negros y a los indígenas?" Esta es la pregunta que plantea un informe recientemente publicado sobre la concesión de subvenciones artísticas y culturales en Estados Unidos.

Solidarity Not Charity: Arts and Culture Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy (Solidaridad, no caridad: la concesión de subvenciones para el arte y la cultura en la Economía…

Solidarity not Charity

“What would the cultural economy be like if it loved Black and Indigenous people?” This is the question posed by a recently released report on arts and cultural grantmaking in the United States.

Solidarity Not Charity: Arts and Culture Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy is a rapid report, with supporting video and website, created for Grantmakers in the Arts by…

Solidarity not Charity

Una animación de 3 minutos recientemente publicada recoge los resultados de un proyecto de investigación de 3 años sobre las culturas de la fabricación del siglo XXI.

La animación, Manufacturing Futures: Beyond Business as Usual (Más allá del negocio habitual), destaca cómo los fabricantes pueden producir de forma socialmente justa y ambientalmente responsable.

La animación se basa en…

Manufacturing Futures

A recently released 3-minute animation captures the findings of a 3-year research project on cultures of manufacturing for the 21st century.

The animation, Manufacturing Futures: Beyond Business as Usual, highlights how manufacturers can produce in ways that are socially just and environmentally responsible.

The animation is based on…

Manufacturing Futures

El Departamento de Economía Decolonial de El Cambalache organiza su tercer taller online: "Haz tu propia Economía no Capitalista."

El taller se imparte tanto en inglés como en español, y se desarrollará en sesiones de dos horas los sábados del 29 de mayo al 11 de septiembre de 2021.

El Cambalache fue fundado en 2015 y es un proyecto de economía sin dinero ubicado en San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, hecho por y para las…

El Cambalache