An Action Plan for better protecting Aotearoa New Zealand's te taiao (the environment that contains and surrounds us) was recently launched at Victoria University Wellington | Te Herenga Waka. 

The Plan was developed over a two-year period by New Zealand’s Biological Heritage National Science Challenge, Adaptive Governance and Policy Working Group that includes CERN member Maria…

Me Tū ā-Uru Cover

The Station for Transformation project, which will convert the main building of the Rovereto train station in the Italian alps into a public-civic hub for tackling climate change, biodiversity loss and heritage regeneration, has been awarded a European Urban Initiative – Innovation Actions grant of almost €5 million. 

Station for Transformation

The following article by Kootyin Chow, Community Economies Research Network (CERN) member, first appeared on SAPIENS, 5 April 2023, under a CC BY-ND 4.0 license. Read the original here.

Hong Kong Ecovillage, Nam Chung

The first keynote of the 2022 CERN LIVIANA conference was delivered by Dr Priscilla Ferreira, Assistant Professor of Geography and Latinx and Caribbean Studies at Rutgers University, who explored the lived tactics of Black survival especially by Black women who are experimenting with…

Contacao de estorias CECFA

The second keynote of the 2022 CERN LIVIANA conference was delivered by Associate Professor Stephen Healy, Research Fellow at the Institute for Culture and Society at Western Sydney University, who focused on ways of responding to climate change in an urban context such as Sydney.

Healy’s presentation “…

Surviving well together in a time of climate collapse

Abstract submissions are now open for the 9th edition of the EMES International Research Conference on Social Enterprise which will take place 11 to 14 September 2023 at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Germany, with the conference theme “Act locally, change globally: Social enterprises and cooperatives for more…

EMES Conference

CEI and CERN members were saddened by the recent news of Jody Kretzmann’s death.

Jody Kretzmann’s work, with John McKnight, on asset-based community development (ABCD) has had an indelible impact on community economies thinking and practice.

The foundational ABCD concept of identifying existing assets and then building on these assets…

Jody Kretzmann Photo

FLOAT – Feral MBA, a radically re-imagined training course in business for artists and others, will be held in East Gippsland, Australia over a 5-week period from February to April 2023.

The course will be run by Kate Rich, artist, trader and feral economist (and member of the…


The Community Economies Institute announces its first Practice Retreat - Community Economies in Action.

The retreat will be held 12-19 July 2023, in the Italian Alps (in Rovereto, Vallagarina Valley, Italy).

The Practice Retreat is for practitioners from diverse fields (e.g., agroecology, art and design, urbanism, food transformation, crafts, pedagogy, co-housing) as well as practice-oriented…

Community Economies in Action: A Practice Retreat

Today may have been the last day of the Community Economies Research Network's (CERN) third LIVIANA International Online Conference but there is more to come.

The recordings of each session are currently being processed and will soon be available on the CEI YouTube Channel as a…


The Community Economies Institute announces the 2023 Summer/Winter School.

Researching Postcapitalist Possibilities, 20 to 29 June 2023

Expressions of Interest are being called for. Closing date, 18 November 2022.

The Summer/Winter School is for PhD students, early career researchers and others. It engages with the foundational concepts and tools that community economies scholars have been using to…

CEI 2023 Summer/Winter School

The contribution of community economies scholars to enriching understandings of diverse economic practices in Central and Eastern Europe was acknowledged during the closing plenary of the recent Regional Studies Association 2022 Central and Eastern Europe Conference in Leipzig, Germany.

In her closing…

RSA, CEE Conference

A four-day event on 5 to 8 October in Helsinki, Finland opens with the launch of the fourth book in the Rehearsing Hospitalities series, which is published by Frame Contemporary Art Finland and Archive Books (and can be downloaded free-of-charge here…

Mapping Below the Waterline

In the ten years since the devastating Canterbury earthquakes resulted in 80 per cent of the buildings in central Ōtautahi Christchurch being demolished, a charitable trust has supported more than 700 projects focused on place-making and urban wellbeing.

The work of Life in Vacant Spaces (LiVS) is being celebrated with…

Huritanga: 10 Years of Transformation

Community economies artists and practitioners have made an important contribution to the fifteenth edition of Documenta, the 100-day exhibition that takes place in the German city of Kassel every five years and that closes on Sunday 25 September.

Documenta fifteen was curated by the Jakarta-based collective ruangrupa who based this year’s documenta on the values and ideas of…

Planet Abundance

There is a strong theme of community economies running through this year’s documenta fifteen in the City of Kassel (in Germany), and this has been brought to the fore through the contribution of the Rural School of Economies, an initiative being run by Kathrin Böhm from the Community Economies Institute and Wapke Feenstra from…

Drawing Sessions at documenta fifteen

The Community Economies Research Network (CERN) is holding its third LIVIANA International Online Conference, 31 October to 11 November 2022.

LIVIANA is a decentralised series of exchanges and symposia that runs for two weeks, providing an opportunity for CERN members to connect and share.

Zoom Call

Community Economies Research Network (CERN) members are among the contributors to a new encyclopedia on the social and solidarity economy, with Caroline Shenaz Hossein part of the editorial team.

Hossein says “I was one of the many editors, with Dr Ilcheong Yi and his awesome team, and I am so proud that so many feminists, Global South and Black scholars are cited here in a book on the social and solidarity economy.”


Encyclopedia SSE

Andrew Zitcer’s recent book, Practicing Cooperation: Mutual Aid Beyond Capitalism, draws on his experiences with food, health-care and arts cooperatives to explore the central question of what makes cooperatives ethical, effective and sustainable.

Zitcer says “This book walks that fine line of searching for the…

Andrew Zitcer, Practicing Cooperation

A recently published book edited by Antònia Casellas from the Community Economies Research Network (CERN) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Department of Geography), introduces Spanish readers to seminal texts by JK Gibson-Graham as well as new materials.

The three seminal texts included…

Antònia Casellas Presenting