Eka Nari Sanghathan features in Future-Makers

The current issue of Future-Makers features Community Economies Research Network (CERN) member Bhavya Chitranshi and her research with Eka Nari Sanghathan (or “single women’s collective”).
As reported in Future-Makers, in 2013 Chitranshi moved to Emaliguda in eastern India to immerse herself in the community of a Kondh Adivasi (Indigenous) tribe, and this led to the formation of Eka Nari Sanghathan as a means for women who were unmarried, separated, widowed or without support from their husbands to collaborate on an agricultural project using traditional and ecologically-sensitive techniques.
The collective now produces enough food for its own sustenance and sells the surplus, keeping the profits in a communal bank account to be shared collectively.
Bhavya Chitranshi is a PhD student at the Institute for Culture and Society at Western Sydney University (WSU). Future-Makers is produced for WSU by Nature Research Custom Media, part of Springer Nature. An earlier Community Economies news story reported on Eka Nari Sanghathan and Chitranshi’s work.
Image above and below © Eka Nari Sanghathan
Jenny Cameron