Elizabeth Barron

Associate Professor
Department of Geography
The Norwegian University of Science and Techology

Honors and Awards

Ph.D.  Geography, Rutgers University
MS    Forest Resources, University of Massachusetts Amherst
BS    Biological Aspects of Conservation & Anthropology, UW- Madison

Research Interests

My research sits at the intersection of nature-society geography, science and technology studies, sustainability, and place studies. I am interested in delineating and understanding different environmental knowledges: how they work, where they come from, and what work they do in the world as they are communicated and used. In my current research I am drawing heavily from diverse economies theory, especially the political and ethical dimensions, to develop the idea of emplaced sustainability. I am also continuing to write about fungi, fungal conservation, and fungal conservationists, and the novel contributions they can make to biodiversity conservation discourses.