Christina Jerne

Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Copenhagen


Phd Experience Economy (Aesthetics and Communication, Aarhus University)
Msc Human Security (Anthropology, Aarhus University)
BA Political Science and International Relations (Universitá di Pisa)

Research Interests

I am interested in economic diversity, both in its organisational and aesthetic expressions. In my view, an ethics of care might also be pursured by learning from uncaring/violent relations, which is why the types of economic organisation I focus on tend to be criminalised or marginalised. I am inspired by post-structural approaches to economy, criminology and cultural studies, and am invested in building theoretical connections between these and the sociology of collective action and political theory. 

My current work revolves around the phenomenon of slow-living and de-urbanization in Italy. Many people around the world are exhausted and are quitting their jobs and fast-paced city lives. What happens to their livelihoods and to the rural settings they return to? This is part of a larger project called "RE-ANIMATE 
Designs for Life-Enhancing Economies in Anthropological Perspective".

 I am also affiliated to the  'Centre for Global Criminology'. At the centre, we aim to develop a novel and ethnographically oriented approach to the study of criminal developments in our contemporary world where crime increasingly travels across national borders.


Contact Information

Christina Jerne

Center for Global Criminology, Department of Anthropology, University

Øster Farigmagsgade 5, 1353 København K, CSS - Building: 16.0.04

Phone: +45 35 33 19 95