Take Back Assignment, University of Delaware

Students in Lindsay Naylor's Economic Geography class at the University of Delaware do a 20 per cent 'Take Back' assignment.

Students can use any medium to demonstrate their understanding of themes from Take Back the Economy (the course text). 

For details of the assignment, click here.


Here are four examples of students' assignments:

Example 1: Take Back Work and Markets. This assignment is about Blue Hen Garden, a garden time bank that operates at the University of Delaware.

Example 2: Take Back the Market. In this assignment, students talked with stallholders and shoppers at a farmers market in Washington DC.

Example 3: Take Back Property. This is a student magazine that explores the theme of taking back property. It includes a examples of different types of commons in Washington DC. (This assignment was done at George Washinton (GW) University).

Example 4: Take Back Finance. These students created Investopoly, an alternative monopoly game on the theme of taking back finance. There is a board and cards that are drawn by players.