Finding Our Paths to Social Justice Education
For several months, we, the three authors, met once a week to share stories about our evolution as social justice educators. While we come from different back- grounds and are different ages, we have each pursued a career in academia, moti- vated by a desire to address social injustice. Different identities and experiences have shaped our lives, but we share a common understanding of social justice and a collective desire to make an impact on the lives of our students. We are Korean, Black, and White, all raised in the United States. We are cisgender heterosexual, bisexual, and gay. We are from the northeast and the south. Together, our ages span two decades. We were raised upper-middle, middle, and lower middle class. While we each found our way to the field of education, we share common values of equity, access, and empathy.
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Suggested citation
Arnell, Alyssa, Hwang, Leo, and Linda McCarthy. "Finding Our Paths to Social Justice Education." In At the Center of All Possibilities: Transforming Education for our Children's Future, edited by Doug Selwyn, 129-143. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2022.