Ruoantuotannon ristiriitoja rikkaruohonjuuritasolla. Kitkeminen työnä, tiedontuotantona ja tulevaisuuksien tekemisenä
Food production is a feminist issue, and feminist research offers many fruitful ways of examining its different sectors. In this article I incite a dialogue on food production between feminist theories on naturecultures and the economy. Using concepts of companion species and diverse economies I analyse weed management as multispecies relations and ask, how voluntary weeding practices open up space for
re-imagining food production. The research material was collected on two community-based farms, where weeding was arranged as diverse work. It also turned out to be part of situated knowledge production which guided future farming practices. Weeding enabled renegotiating work and recognizing non-human others as part of food production, redefining both intra- and interspecies relations on the farms and therefore opening up space for different futures for food production.
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Suggested citation
Hyvärinen, Pieta 2017. Ruoantuotannon ristiriitoja rikkaruohonjuuritasolla. Kitkeminen työnä,
tiedontuotantona ja tulevaisuuksien tekemisenä (”Grassroots level complexities in food production.
Weeding as work, knowledge production and remaking the future”). Sukupuolentutkimus-
Genusforskning 30:2, 35–48.