Insights into Social Procurement: From Policy to Practice

This document provides insights into current social procurement policy and practice within the public sector in Australia. It draws from interviews with representatives of three State Government departments, and from resource materials previously produced.
The report includes case studies which provide snapshots of different ways that government entities are utilising both direct and indirect social procurement strategies to support the implementation of local economic development policies and programs. Through harnessing and targeting their purchasing power they are engaging residents and supporting local small enterprise growth and stability, fostering the economic capacity of a local area so as to improve quality of life for local residents.
Overall, the report finds that there is no one best way to ‘do’ social procurement. Nevertheless, a common theme is that involving people who have a passion for more effective and innovative approaches to procurement, and / or for the specific social issue to be targeted, is important at all stages of the process. This type of committed leadership - at the political, executive and technical levels - plays a critical role in designing and implementing successful strategies.
Suggested citation
McNeill, J. 2015. Insights into social procurement: From policy to practice. Melbourne: Social Procurement Australasia