For a full list of Community Economies' presentations and lectures, please go to the Community Economies Institute (CEI) YouTube Channel and the Playlist of Lectures.
A public presentation on the Finnish language version of TBTE and Gibson-Graham's thought and theory, given by Eeva Talvikallio at the seminar Suuri systeeminsäätöilta: Näin ekokriisi ratkaistaan [EN: The Great System’s Change Evening: How to solve the ecological crisis], held in Tampere, Finland, on January 9th, 2020. Organizers: Luontoliiton Hämeen piiri (Finnish Nature League, Häme regional division), Tampereen seudun työväenopisto (Tampere regional workers’ educational institute) & Ekokumppanit Oy/Ltd. Video (in Finnish) available on Youtube at:
Manufacturing the Future: Cultures of Production for the Anthropocene
Professor Katherine Gibson (Western Sydney University) presents the 2017 annual Wheelwright memorial lecture, on invitation of the department of Political Economy at the University of Sydney.
The talk considers Professor Gibson's academic career, her pioneering action-research methodology, and her most recent work with the Community Economies Collective, exploring the diverse experimental interventions into ethical manufacturing practices by Australian enterprises.
This is an interview with Katherine Gibson, co-author of Post-Capitalist Politics.
Questions by Samuel Alexander. Produced by Jordan Osmond of Happen Films.
To mark the launch of Katherine Gibson's new collaborative book, Deborah Rose sat down with her to talk about taking back the economy. This interview was conducted in September 2013 in Sydney, Australia.
Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities was written by J.K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron, and Stephen Healy and published by the University of Minnesota Press.
Public presentation on the Finnish language version of TBTE and the transformative power of Gibson-Graham's thought and theory, given by Eeva Talvikallio at the Anarkiaa & Burgereita lecture series event on December 15th, 2019, in Tampere, Finland. Organizer: Tampereen anarkistiliitto TAL (Tampere Anarchist League). Video (in Finnish) available on Youtube at: