There were three main assessment tasks:
Reflective Journal 20% (based on in-class workshops; handed in mid-semester 10% & end-of-semester 10%)
Case Study 50% (based on a Case Study Plan 10%; Case Study Visual Presentation 20%; and Case Study Report 20%)
Take Home Exam 30%
Here’s some more information and some examples of student work (with student's permission):
Case Study Handout for Students
Case Study Fishbowl (This is the strategy we used in Week 12 to help move students along with their preparation – when it seemed like they were leaving it to the last minute)
Hope and Victor’s Visual Presentation (Women Workers’ Cooperative, Food Outlet, Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK). A HIGHLIGHT from this presentation is the time-lapse video of Hope and Victor working during the 11pm to 1.30am Special Service Period when the students operate the Cooperative (so the women workers can go home and sleep [CUHK requires that food outlets be open til 1.30am]). There are other YouTube clips embedded in the powerpoint (interviews in Cantonese with various people involved in the cooperative).
Jackie’s Visual Presentation (One Letter Horse). A HIGHLIGHT from this presentation is Jackie’s interview with Angus, from One Letter Horse.
Jamie’s Visual Presentation and Final Report (Long Valley Eco-Paddy Rice CSA)
Salom’s Visual Presentation and Final Report (Street Hawkers in Hong Kong)
Timothy’s Visual Presentation and Final Report (Kibbutzim)