Kevin St. Martin

Associate Professor
Department of Geography
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA

Other Affiliations

Professor II, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, Universitetet I Tromsø, Norway.


1999 Ph.D., Graduate School of Geography, Clark University
1989 MSc, Geography, University of Massachusetts , Amherst
1985 BA, Geography, University of Massachusetts , Amherst

Honors and Awards

2000 National Research Council (NRC) Associateship Award recipient. Postdoctoral position at the DOC/NOAA/NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, MA.

2010 Fulbright-Hays Scholar Award recipient. Project title: Drawing Communities Together: Assessing the Potential of Participatory Environmental Mapping for Marine Resource Management and Community Development. University of Tromsø, Norway.

Research Interests

I am a human geographer whose work is at the intersection of economic geography, political ecology, and critical applications of GIScience. My research concerns the development and institutionalization of economic and environmental discourse. It emerges from a strong background in both social theory and spatial analysis, and it has been clearly and consistently linked to issues of environmental policy. While at Rutgers, I have worked on several well-funded research projects that have in common the regulation and transformation of the marine environment.

In particular, my research uses the paradigmatic case of fisheries in the U.S. Northeast to better understand the power of discourse to shape economic and environmental practices. Within this context I examine the potential for community participation in development and resource management, the relationship between local ecological knowledge and formal science, and the representation of resource dependent communities.

My current research focuses on the implementation and practice of new forms of governance such as ecosystems-based management and Marine Spatial Planning and their implications for community economic and environmental well-being.

Curriculum vitae