A Community Economies Summer School in Italy
The Community Economies Institute is running a summer school in Bolsena (Italy) from 1 to 6 June, 2019.
The theme of the summer school is Postcapitalist Politics in Practice, and the school is aimed at students interested in learning more about action-oriented research and activists who would like to deepen their engagement with applied community economic thinking.
The course will use Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities (2013) by J.K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron and Stephen Healy as the key text.
Summer school leader Katherine Gibson said “the school will be a great opportunity to work closely with students and activists and to tailor course content and discussions to their interests”.
Working alongside Professor Gibson will be three members of the Community Economies Research Network, Katharine McKinnon, Tuomo Alhojärvi, and Sabrina Aguiari.
For more information and to submit an expression of interest click here.