2025 CEI Summer/Winter School
**UPDATED** What participants say about the CEI Summer/Winter School **UPDATED**
Announcing the fourth Summer/Winter School to be held Tuesday 10 June to Thursday 19 June 2025, on the theme of Researching Postcapitalist Politics.
Initial Expressions of Interest are due by Friday 21 February 2025 with participants notified of the outcome by Friday 28 February 2025. Click here (and scroll to the end of the document) for the link to the Expressions of Interest form.
There are three confirmed nodes:
- face-to-face in Norway (NTNU, Trondheim) (facilitated by Elizabeth (Za) Barron and Kevin St. Martin) (max. of 12 participants)
- online in Asia-Pacific (Australian Eastern Standard Time) (facilitated by Jenny Cameron) (max. of 10 participants)
- online in Europe (Central European Summer Time) (facilitated by Katherine Gibson and Lucie Sovová) (max. of 10 participants).
We are working on plans for an Americas online node.
****Stay tuned for updates****
If you have any queries email school at communityeconomies dot org
The School will run as a small group INTENSIVE, with a focus on community (and diverse) economies research and practice:
- The first part focuses on foundational texts (such as The End of Capitalism (as we knew it)), core concepts (such as antiessentialism, poststructuralism and performativity) and thinking techniques (such as reading for difference).
- The second part focuses on contemporary applications of this foundational material.
There are opportunities to meet with other members of the Community Economies Institute.
Make sure you read what participants from previous years say about the CEI Summer/Winter School.
How much time does the School take?
Face-to-face nodes operate from 9am to 5pm (with a 2pm finish on the last day). Online nodes cover the same content and operate from 10am to 4pm (with a 2pm finish on the last day). There is also a small amount of homework to deepen your understanding of the core concepts. There is a two-day weekend break on Sat 14 June and Sun 15 June. Keep in mind that the school is INTENSIVE.
How much reading is involved?
The School is a 'deep dive' into foundational texts. There are nine central articles/book chapters, and five supplementary articles/book chapters. The program includes reading time during the School and exercises to help guide you through the readings. We circulate the readings about a month before the School starts.
If you need time to process reading material, we strongly recommend that you read the nine central readings before the School starts. You might also look over the five supplementary readings (e.g., you might look at the introductions and the main headings).
Even if you're a confident reader, the advice from participants in previous years is that reading the material beforehand will help you process the ideas once the School starts—even a strategic skim read will help.
After the School finishes, you will come back to the readings 'time and again.' The School serves as an initial foray into the ideas.
What is the teaching style?
The School uses a combination of teaching and learning strategies, including short lectures and discussions, and small group activities to apply the readings and concepts.
On Days 8 and 9 (Tuesday 17 and Weds 18 June) there are one-hour individual research meetings (each participant is matched to a member of the Community Economies Institute and the meeting focuses on the participant's research) and there are a series of panels with members of the Community Economies Institute discussing how they apply community and diverse economies research in their own work. In previous years topics have included:
- Research in allegiance with decolonisation
- Research methods for community and diverse economies
- Power and assemblages
- Visions of social change and research trajectories
- More-than-human considerations.
The panels are recorded (and you will have access to the panels from previous years).
On Day 10 (Thursday 19 June), participants make short 5-minute presentations about their research in relation to a frequently asked question about community and diverse economies research and practice.
Can I get credit for doing the School?
This is up to your institution to determine. On completion of the School, we can provide you with a Statement of Participation that includes information about the number of hours of instruction, the curriculum and the instructors. Some institutions will give credit on this basis, but you'll need to check this with your institution.
How much are the tuition fees, and how are the fees used?
The fees for the face-to-face nodes are Australian Dollars $1,200 (around US$750 or €730). The fees for the online nodes are Australian Dollars $1,000 (around US$640 or €605). We offer partial scholarships to assist participants with limited funding. A non-refundable deposit of Australian Dollars $200 will be due in early 2025 with the balance due in May 2025.
The fees are used to pay for the coordination and administration of the school. All facilitation is unpaid with Community Economies Institute (CEI) members doing the work in addition to their usual work commitments (or in their own time, including during Annual Leave). We estimate that in 2024, CEI members donated 928 hours, or almost 6 months of unpaid work! The fees are also used to help fund the costs of running the CEI (from paying for Zoom and web hosting to funding a new Flourish Fund for CEI members). More information about the CEI financial operations is in our Annual Reports, available here (scroll down to the bottom of the page to find each year's report).
For more information contact school at communityeconomies dot org.
Check out our archive of CEI Schools and Retreats.