Arctic Auditories: Hydrospheres in the High North
Project Location
Arctic Auditories – Hydrospheres in the High North (ArcHYPHA) is an interdisciplinary project based in the Humanities, which seeks to develop strategies for understanding environmental change through sound. The project focuses on water environments and draws on diverse knowledge systems to raise awareness to watery soundscapes in the Nordic region. Data collection will include interviews, participant observation, sound walks and sound sitting.
The concepts of emplacement, connectivity and imaginative narratives for positive futures form the project’s theoretical foundations. Applying these theories to our empirical data, we consider how listening as a situated practice of place-basd knowledge production. This extended understanding of emplacement will contribute to sustainable futures. The ultimate aim of the project is to deliver innovative, empowering and democratic listening strategies to help individuals and societies cultivate radical ideas about how different forms of engagement can contribute to sustainability.